Forming men to set priorities, win their finances, and lead righteously.
Iron Ore is the segment of Righteous Co. specifically designed for men in pursuit of excellence in God's Will – to be formed with intentionality from a raw being to a refined instrument.
You'll find the coaching, resources, and opportunities below to accompany you along the Way.
Our Lord has a great design for you.
As a trained leadership and finance coach, I'm here to help you get your priorities realigned, help you bring that call to life, build your wealth, and change your family tree.
"Be Transformed by the Renewal of your mind" Romans 12:2
It is your time. This is what we work on here...
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Your Personal Guide
Coaching has made me a better husband, father, and leader as I've pursued a greater call in my life. I wouldn't be where I am today without having powerful coaches in my corner helping to defeat self-limiting beliefs and giving perspectives toward growth.
Taking 25 years of learning and experience, I want to be your coach to give architecture to your priorities, finance, and leadership and pay that experience forward to you through a Christ-centered lens.
Check out how it works below and get me on team "you".
Need to feel it out?
Find a timeslot for a free 20min call and see if I can help you to be where you want to be. Read further for more info...
Go further with Coaching
- Options
How Coaching Works
Coaching is a relationship. Relationships take time and effort. You have to be ready to take action in your life. Even the best-laid plans cannot execute themselves – come hungry for a change. Sessions are done in hour blocks with time in between for action. I've laid out some of the details below of what coaching can do and what we offer here. Take a look...
Talk to a coach for free!
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New to coaching or want a quick run down? Take the free 20mins and talk with Adam. He'll ask you about what your needs and goals are, walk you through what a coaching relationship is about, and how it works.
Not a fit? No problem! But if it is or just not yet, the onboarding process is easy.
What's 20mins when reframing your future?
Work with Adam exclusively to focus on changing your personal finances, leadership challenges, and re-orienting your priorities.
IO Group
Join in with other men to be the man you were designed to be. Tune in for the conversation on Zoom from wherever you are, every other week.
Membership includes awesome discounts for IO offerings
Growth and investment in yourself requires discernment and firm decision. Pray about where you need to be and if coaching with Righteous is right for you.
You were made to lead in your space and you have the opportunity to change your family tree with getting out of debt and planning for the future.
Get intentional and commit – I can help.
Are you...
Overwhelmed and feel alone?
In need of a transformation?
In debt and without a plan?
Feel like there is more in you then what you got?
Struggling to be the best leader you can be at home and career?
Then it's time to go further with purpose.
Consider coaching to reset your vision with God first.
Why Coaching?
Have a partner in your vision to challenge your growth and peel back self-limiting beliefs.
Get out from the place you were to where God is leading you.
Develop your financial plan, get out of debt, and change your family tree.
Feel free to pursue a better way with the support to get there
Get all of your big life items in order and lead your Vocation and Labor well.
Get your life in order
Set Your Priorities
The Righteous Way
I advocate pulling a variety of disciplines together in your life I call The Righteous Way – to be the best leader and disciple you can be. Our goal is to make sure our first priority is to get to Heaven and our relationship with the Trinity informs the rest of where we are going from there. If our soul isn't right, nothing else will be ordered well.
From there we work on our development as fine-tuned instruments, because you can't give what you don't have.
From there, our Vocation, Labor, then Leisure. I advocate for three overlays of finance, fitness, and fellowship to reinforce and balance our Righteous priorities.
All of this comes together in a 1:1 or group setting with sessions to form the way and bring accountability through the coaching process.
The Transcendant
How's your goal to Heaven?
Iron Ore
How are you formed?
The Vocation
What is the big calling in life?
The Labor
Is your work a right fit?
The Leisure
How do you enjoy your fruits?
Overlay 01.
How is your financial house?
Overlay 02.
How is your health?
Overlay 03.
How are your friendships?
Your money situation will change when you do
Financial Peace
The Ramsey Way
I'm proud to have been trained by Ramsey Solutions to bring Financial Peace into the fold of Righteous Co. It is so important for us men to have a firm grasp on our personal finances and have the literacy to run our homes and labor well.
As a man who spent over a decade in ministry, it was essential to have a financial plan and method we could rely on to make the mission and family life work. Living within our means, understanding debt, and building financial discipline with budgets helped us grow during that time.
I was super blessed to have taken Ramsey financial methods to heart while we were engaged, now almost nine years and four kids later, I'm pumped to bring that method to my clients.
Baby Step 1
$1,000 Emergency Fund
Baby Step 2
Get debt free with the debt snowball
Baby Step 3
3-6mo of expenses in full emergency fund
Baby Step 4
Invest 15% of household income into Roth IRA's
Baby Step 5
Save for children's college
7 Baby Steps to Financial Freedom
Baby Step 6
Pay off your home early and get that mortgage off your belt
Baby Step 7
Build wealth and give outragously as a part of your stewardship
Become a Righteous Leader
Lead Righteously
Set the World Ablaze
You are called to great and difficult things. Become the leader you were designed to be and tie all that you are forward to others. Oftentimes, it's lonely at the top. Don't do all of it by yourself and get personalized support to help you lead – if you find yourself in the weeds, become deflated, or just need the accountability to help you to continue to climb. Lead righteously as a man of faith and let your priorities, starting with Christ, guide your way.
The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness. So go and set the world ablaze. Lead at home. Lead in your labor.
Schedule a free 20min call today!
If you're not where you want to be, give a ring today and see if 1:1 or Group Formation is for you. I would love to work with you but if you're not there yet, no problem! Pick up a book and journal or take a look at some of the awesome events coming up.
Join a Coaching Plan Today!
20 min
1 hr
350 US dollars1 hr
975 US dollars1 hr
1,800 US dollars1 hr
3,250 US dollars